Intern (m/f/x) Industrial Design

Stu­dent job · Full-time · Munich

29. November 2018


Your tasks
  • Sup­port our design depart­ment in the daily business
  • Under­stand and trans­fer tech­ni­cally com­plex con­tent, visu­ally simplified
  • Con­tact per­son for all depart­ments con­cern­ing design topics


  • Stud­ies in design or com­pa­ra­ble field
  • Very good visual under­stand­ing and aten­tion to details
  • Hands on Men­tal­ity: You can work inde­pen­dently as well as as part of a team
  • Peo­ple are in your focus
  • First expe­ri­ence with Adobe CC (Illus­tra­tor, Pho­to­shop & Indesign)
  • First expe­ri­ence in Human Cen­tered Design
  • Expe­ri­ence in CAD (Solid­works), Ren­der­ing (Cin­ema 4D) und UI Design (Adobe XD, Sketch) are a plus
  • Excel­lent Eng­lish and Ger­man skills required


What we have to offer
  • A future-ori­ented job in a quickly grow­ing startup
  • Robots = future = safe sector
  • Fancy tech­nol­ogy
  • 100% startup atmos­phere  with kitchen and loft style office
  • Reg­u­lar team events

Mag­a­zino is a tech startup and robot­ics com­pany based in Munich, Ger­many. Our team of hard­ware and soft­ware engi­neers is a leader in robot pro­gram­ming and devel­op­ment. Our robots work along­side humans – autonomously, safely and at a level of com­plex­ity that no one before us has ever achieved. With over 100 employ­ees, we are the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe.