Pilot project: autonomous mate­r­ial sup­ply with the robot SOTO 

VEGA Grieshaber KG is a spe­cial­ist in level and pres­sure mea­sure­ment tech­nol­ogy. At the Schiltach site in the Black For­est, the pilot project of SOTO 2 began in spring 2021 after a devel­op­ment part­ner­ship last­ing for sev­eral months. In 2024 the exten­sion of the SOTO fleet fol­lowed. The mobile robot from Mag­a­zino trans­ports small load car­ri­ers (KLT) from the ware­house to the pro­duc­tion line. The goal is to com­pletely auto­mate mate­r­ial sup­ply at VEGA with SOTO.


Mag­a­zino devel­ops and builds per­cep­tion-con­trolled, mobile robots. As the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe, we rev­o­lu­tion­ize the world of intral­o­gis­tics together with our customers.

Replen­ish­ment with com­po­nents for the sen­sors is needed reg­u­larly on the pro­duc­tion lines. (Image: VEGA)


Many com­po­nents for the sen­sors were pre­vi­ously brought to the work­sta­tions man­u­ally. (Image: VEGA)


Envi­ron­ments are very com­plex for Robots: after all, humans and machines are sup­posed to work in the same vicin­ity. (Image: VEGA)


Com­pletely auto­mated: From the ware­house to the assem­bly station

VEGA Grieshaber KG employs more than 1,850 peo­ple world­wide, 800 of them at its head­quar­ters in Schiltach in the Black For­est. Here, for more than 60 years, solu­tions have been cre­ated for demand­ing mea­sure­ment tasks in chem­i­cal and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal plants, in the food indus­try as well as in drink­ing water sup­ply, in sewage treat­ment plants and land­fills, in min­ing and power gen­er­a­tion, on oil rigs, ships and in air­craft. VEGA is active in more than 80 coun­tries with sub­sidiaries and sales partners.

While assem­bly lines in the man­u­fac­tur­ing indus­try are highly auto­mated today, the sup­ply of replen­ish­ments is still mostly done man­u­ally. Route trains or sim­ple Auto­mated Guided Vehi­cles (AGVs) often do not really scale, as man­ual labor is required again in each case dur­ing load­ing or unloading.

KLT pick-up + trans­port + deliv­ery = one solution

SOTO 2 com­bines the ele­men­tary process steps in a sin­gle, fully autonomous solu­tion: the pickup of KLTs of dif­fer­ent sizes, the autonomous trans­port of sev­eral KLTs from source to sink, and the deliv­ery to flow racks at dif­fer­ent heights. The col­lec­tion of emp­ties and the rota­tion of small load car­ri­ers by 90° to 180° are also part of the new robot’s reper­toire of capabilities.

As part of a devel­op­ment part­ner­ship between VEGA and Mag­a­zino, close coop­er­a­tion already took place dur­ing the pro­to­type phase of the SOTO robot, for exam­ple in the devel­op­ment of the grip­per. Dur­ing the pilot phase in 2021 the use in the later work­ing envi­ron­ment was tested and both sides could gain expe­ri­ences. Begin­ning of 2024 a order of two more robots fol­lowed to con­tin­u­ously automa­tise the mate­r­ial supply.

»Mobile and intelligent robots are a valuable component in making intralogistics future-proof. SOTO 2 is the last piece in the puzzle to comprehensively automate our material supply. The robot is used for the last mile to deliver the KLT from the automated small parts warehouse directly to the assembly stations.«
Patric Brucker, Production Planner at VEGA

Inte­grated into exist­ing processes

For all object move­ments, SOTO receives trans­port orders via the via­dat ware­house man­age­ment sys­tem from via­s­tore and trans­par­ently reports the sta­tus of the move­ment at any time. On the basis of the retrieval groups ejected for SOTO at the miniload, the robot inde­pen­dently forms tours in which it dis­trib­utes full loads in the pro­duc­tion area and picks up emp­ties. With the help of laser scan­ners and 3D cam­era tech­nol­ogy, the robot nav­i­gates autonomously through the var­i­ous pro­duc­tion sec­tions, even in nar­row places and at inter­sec­tions that are dif­fi­cult to see. The sen­sors not only ensure cor­rect local­iza­tion in the pro­duc­tion hall via the SLAM process, but also guar­an­tee safe oper­a­tion for man and machine at all times.

The SOTO robot is intended for a total of three dif­fer­ent processes at VEGA:

  1. Trans­port of mate­r­ial from the auto­mated small parts ware­house to the line.
  2. Inter­nal trans­port from line to line
  3. Return of emp­ties from the line to the col­lec­tion point.


The focus is still on people

Mag­a­zino places par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on easy setup and oper­a­tion by the cus­tomer. To this end, Mag­a­zino sup­plies the robot with all the nec­es­sary tools to oper­ate it fully.

Close coop­er­a­tion is also main­tained with regard to the trans­fer sta­tions: Mod­u­lar stan­dard work­sta­tion mod­ules for one-piece flow assem­bly cells were devel­oped together with the com­pany ASSTEC. It places the ergonomic needs of the employee at VEGA in the fore­ground. These include, in par­tic­u­lar, elec­tri­cal height adjusta­bil­ity of the rack and work sur­face, excel­lent illu­mi­na­tion, best-point mate­r­ial pro­vi­sion and opti­mized grip­ping areas for employees.


At the same time each shelf com­part­ment has to be reli­ably iden­ti­fied and tar­geted by the robot con­sid­er­ing the height adjusta­bil­ity — a capa­bil­ity that dif­fer­en­ti­ate the robot SOTO 2 from a lot of the other solu­tions on the mar­ket. Adapter plates have been devel­oped for the trans­fer of the KLT between robtos and shelfs, which allows for a robust admit­tance and deliv­ery of containers.

Fur­ther devel­op­ment steps are still required on both sides before final live oper­a­tion with large robot fleets is pos­si­ble. How­ever, today VEGA Grieshaber KG is already one of the tech­no­log­i­cal pio­neers in the automa­tion of mate­r­ial supply.

Robots in Action


Autonomous robot
for small load carriers
