Next Level Logistics

Intel­li­gent solu­tions for intralogistics.

Mag­a­zino — a Junghein­rich com­pany, offers solu­tions for processes that could not be auto­mated until now. We design intral­o­gis­tics that are more flex­i­ble and effi­cient than ever before.

To achieve this, we develop and build the next gen­er­a­tion of intel­li­gent logis­tics robots. Thanks to our ACROSAI tech­nol­ogy, they work together with humans — sim­ply, safely, sta­bly and in a qual­ity that no one before us has ever achieved.



Fred­erik Brantner


Lukas Zanger


Dr. Moritz Tenorth

Head of Hardware

Elmar Brinkmann

Head of Finance

Jens Doll

Head of Robotic Integration

Dr. Guglielmo Gemignani

Head of Architecture & Data

Markus Grimm

Head of Customer Operations

Simon Harst

Head of Supply Chain

Tobias Hernes

Head of Navigation & Localization

Dr. Rainer Kümmerle

Director Sales & Marketing

Ben­jamin Ochner

Director Fashion Logistics

Julia Scholz

Head of Hardware Development

Philipp Schmutz

Head of Program a

Isabel Schwarz

Head of People & Culture

Ver­ena Ullrich

Team Lead Product Management

Raphael Ver­ing

Head of Perception & Grasping

Carsten Zum­sande

Team Lead IT

Pirmin Blanz

Team Lead Remote Operation

Sebas­t­ian Eltester

Team Lead Deployment

Rohail Mirza

Team Lead Project Management

Markus Ruder

Team Lead QA

Niko­laos Pateromichelakis

Team Lead Production

Lud­wig Heinzl


We are look­ing for sup­port! We are look­ing for you!


VDI Inno­va­tion­spreis
Logis­tik 2017

Han­dling Award

Bestes Pro­dukt –
Logi­MAT 2018

The Spark – der deutsche


MSECB Cer­ti­fied ISO/IEC 27001:2022

The high­est secu­rity stan­dards apply to the devel­op­ment and oper­a­tion of our SOTO and TORU fleet of mobile robots to pro­tect your information.