Advanced in Robotics

Intel­li­gence. Nat­ural and Artificial.

more about us

We are rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing robot­ics – with intel­li­gent robots that look into the world, make their own deci­sions and become bet­ter and better.


We are Magazino, a robotics company from Munich. We develop software and build robots that work together with people – autonomously, safely and at a level of navigation and manipulation that nobody before us has reached.

This enables us to offer solutions for processes that could not previously be automated and to create intralogistics solutions that are more flexible and efficient than ever before.

Bringing software and artificial intelligence to the next level.


From left: Lukas Zanger (COO), Dr. Moritz Tenorth (CTO), Guido Rei­necke (CFO), Fred­erik Brant­ner (CEO)

We are the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe.


Fred­erik Brantner


Lukas Zanger


Dr. Moritz Tenorth

Head of Hardware

Elmar Brinkmann

Head of Finance

Jens Doll

Head of Robotic Integration

Dr. Guglielmo Gemignani

Head of Architecture & Data

Markus Grimm

Head of Customer Operations

Simon Harst

Head of Supply Chain

Tobias Hernes

Head of Navigation & Localization

Dr. Rainer Kümmerle

Director Sales & Marketing

Ben­jamin Ochner

Director Fashion Logistics

Julia Scholz

Head of Hardware Development

Philipp Schmutz

Head of Program a

Isabel Schwarz

Head of People & Culture

Ver­ena Ullrich

Team Lead Product Management

Raphael Ver­ing

Head of Perception & Grasping

Carsten Zum­sande

Team Lead IT

Pirmin Blanz

Team Lead Remote Operation

Sebas­t­ian Eltester

Team Lead Deployment

Rohail Mirza

Team Lead Project Management

Markus Ruder

Team Lead QA

Niko­laos Pateromichelakis

Team Lead Production

Lud­wig Heinzl

We are look­ing for support!
We are look­ing for you!

Our Advi­sory Board


VDI Innovationspreis Logistik 2017

VDI Innovationspreis Logistik 2017

Handling Award

Handling Award

Best product – LogiMAT 2018

Best product – LogiMAT 2018

The Spark – the German Digital Prize

The Spark – the German Digital Prize






MAN auto­mates pro­duc­tion logis­tics with 12 Mag­a­zino SOTO robots

Mag­a­zino wins MAN’s Nurem­berg site as a fleet cus­tomer for the SOTO robot. more ›


Junghein­rich acquires all shares in robot­ics com­pany Mag­a­zino from the founders and pre­vi­ous co-shareholders

Ham­burg-based intral­o­gis­tics pio­neer Junghein­rich is fully tak­ing over Mag­a­zino, a Munich-based robot­ics spe­cial­ist. more ›
