Smart logistics for electronics production

Mate­r­ial flow automa­tion with intel­li­gent line feed­ing for indus­trial production.

Increas­ing cost pres­sure from Asia is push­ing intel­li­gent automa­tion solu­tions fur­ther into the fore­ground for Euro­pean manu­fac­turers. The use of auto­nomous and mobile robots increases their own pro­duc­tiv­ity and secures their own competitiveness.

Automa­tion solu­tions in pro­duc­tion are already estab­lished. AGV sys­tems take over a large part of the mate­r­ial trans­port. The last hur­dle to the end-to-end solu­tion is mate­r­ial flow automa­tion up to the pro­duc­tion line.

Espe­cially in elec­tron­ics pro­duc­tion, where high pre­ci­sion and flex­i­bil­ity are required, auto­nomous KLT robots offer numer­ous advan­tages. From easy con­nec­tion to dif­fer­ent types of machines thanks to flex­i­ble grip­ping tech­nol­ogy to increased effi­ciency and through­put times.

High labor costs

Process opti­miza­tion and invest­ments in automa­tion con­tinue to be the answers to ris­ing labor costs. This will ensure the company’s prof­itabil­ity in the future.

Skills short­age

Demo­graphic change is exac­er­bat­ing the short­age of skilled work­ers. Pro­duc­tion processes that require a wide range of skills and qual­i­fi­ca­tions are par­tic­u­larly affected.


In shift work, the phys­i­cal stresses quickly add up. This is an essen­tial fac­tor for employee sat­is­fac­tion. Mate­r­ial automa­tion par­al­lel to humans offers a rem­edy here.

Human resources

Flex­i­ble work­ing and pro­duc­tion mod­els require a great deal of plan­ning. Intel­li­gent automa­tion offers the nec­es­sary flex­i­bil­ity. For exam­ple, for shift oper­a­tions, waves of ill­ness or the intro­duc­tion of new products.

An intel­li­gent mate­r­ial flow up to the assem­bly line is a deci­sive step towards logis­tics automation.


The KLT robot for intel­li­gent mate­r­ial flow

Production Logistics

Expe­ri­ence sta­ble pro­cesses and flex­i­ble benefits.


Highest industry standards for production environments of our hardware and software components ensure the reliability of the processes.

Avail­abil­ity of the system


Running intralogistics costs can be reduced by an average of 60 % through intelligent automation. In 24/7 operation, even more.

Cost Sav­ings


We close the gap between automated warehouses and automated production lines. Independent of manual labour.

End-to-end Automa­tion
Individual solutions for new logistics processes.


The first step is to find out whether our robots are suit­able for automat­ing your pro­duc­tion logistics.


How should the robot be inte­grated into the cus­tomer process? What hur­dles are there, what adjust­ments need to be made? Together we work out the solution. 


After detailed plan­ning, the inte­gration takes place on site. Here, final adjust­ments are made to the real envi­ron­ment so that robots and processes run easily.


Once set up, the robot fleet can be expanded into the exist­ing processes and IT, in a flex­i­ble way, accord­ing to demand and achiev­ing econ­omy of scale.