Magazino at herCARRER 2019 in Munich
Date and Time
10.10.19 - 11.10.19
all day
Event Location
MTC - Taunusstraße 45;, Ingolstädter Str. 45 - 47, 80807 München
herCAREER is the comprehensive career fair for graduates, women specialists and executives, and female founders. The innovative concept of this career fair receives tremendous encouragement not only by the exhibitors, but especially by participating women. Even politicians support herCAREER due to its unique concept.
Magazino will also have a stand at herCAREER 2019 and is looking forward to meeting you there.
Magazino develops and builds perception-controlled, mobile robots. As the largest Advanced Robotics team in Europe, we revolutionize the world of intralogistics together with our customers.
Would you like to get to know us at the career fair herCAREER?