Junghein­rich Automa­tion Day in Switzerland

Visit us on the 10th of Sep­tem­ber. We look for­ward to meet you at the fair!

Date and Time

8.15 AM to 5 PM

Event Location

Birrhard, Switzerland


Ware­house logis­tics has changed dra­mat­i­cally in recent years. Although automa­tion solu­tions for intral­o­gis­tics have been around for over 40 years, they have tended to be lim­ited, rigid and very costly. Although many things could be auto­mated, the processes had to be clearly defined and fixed, which made it impos­si­ble to adapt with­out incur­ring addi­tional costs.

Dig­i­tal­iza­tion and robot­ics will now grad­u­ally change this. Solu­tions will become more flex­i­ble, more diverse and more cost-effec­tive. Junghein­rich has over 40 years of expe­ri­ence in the automa­tion of intral­o­gis­tics and has sig­nif­i­cantly expanded its exper­tise and prod­uct range over the last five years. We are mak­ing great progress, par­tic­u­larly in the field of mobile robots, AGVs and var­i­ous auto­mated small parts stor­age sys­tems such as the Miniload or the new Junghein­rich PowerCube.

To intro­duce you to the world of intral­o­gis­tics and Junghein­rich solu­tions, we cor­dially invite you to our Junghein­rich Automa­tion Day on 10.09.2024. The pro­gram offers a mix­ture of prac­ti­cal exam­ples and con­tri­bu­tions on cur­rent and future possibilities.





Flug­platz Birrfeld

5242 Lup­fig


We look for­ward to your reg­is­tra­tion at:


For opti­mal plan­ning, we ask for a bind­ing registration.

We look for­ward to excit­ing and infor­ma­tive days with you!