Robotic Meet-up Magazino & Reactive Robotics 11.07.2019
Date and Time
6 p.m. until 9 p.m.
Event Location
Magazino GmbH: Landsberger Straße 234, 80687 Munich, 4th floor
Open Doors at Reactive Robotics and Magazino in Munich: You can check on the latest developments during various robot demos. In addition, you have the opportunity to ask questions to our hardware and software experts during 2 round table session.
In order to participate, you must download your FREE TICKET HERE.
17:30 — 18:00 Arrival
18:00 — 18:15 Welcome by Reactive Robotics & Magazino
18:15 — 18:45 Roboter Demo I
18:45 — 19:15 Roboter Demo II
19:15 — 19:45 Round Table Sessions
starting at 19:45 networking & drinks
Drinks and snacks will be served throughout the evening.
Magazino develops and builds perception-controlled, mobile robots. As the largest Advanced Robotics team in Europe, we revolutionize the world of intralogistics together with our customers.
Would you like to get to know us at our next Robotic Meet-up?