
ROS Meetup at Magazino

6th edi­tion of the ROS (Robot Oper­at­ing Sys­tem) Meetup at the Mag­a­zino office

Date and Time

17:30 — 22:00

Event Location

Magazino Office


Mag­a­zino will host the 6th ROS (Robot Oper­at­ing Sys­tem) Meetup. You can expect four insight­ful pre­sen­ta­tions by renowned robot­ics experts.

After the pre­sen­ta­tions, you can chat with other robot­ics enthu­si­asts over beer and snacks. Don’t miss the exclu­sive Mag­a­zino office tour to see our inno­v­a­tive robots in action!

Lim­ited places! Reg­is­ter early to secure your place.