Mag­a­zino expands robot fleet to 57 TORUs in two other Zalando logis­tics centers

Press releases

29. September 2022


  • Largest sin­gle order for the advanced robot­ics spe­cial­ist from Munich, founded in 2014.
  • In addi­tion to Lahr, the pick­ing processes at the Zalando loca­tions in Erfurt and Verona (Italy) will be auto­mated with TORU in the future.
  • The focus is on increas­ing effi­ciency, ergonom­ics and fur­ther improv­ing deliv­ery quality.
  • TORU picks shoe boxes com­pletely autonomously, sup­ports and relieves the employees.

Munich, Sep­tem­ber 29, 2022 — Mag­a­zino, a robot­ics man­u­fac­turer from Munich, Ger­many, is increas­ing its robot fleet in more Zalando logis­tics loca­tions to a total of 57 TORU. For the man­u­fac­turer Mag­a­zino, this is the largest sin­gle order in the company’s his­tory. At the same time, it under­lines the impor­tance of TORU as a fun­da­men­tal build­ing block of auto­mated processes in mod­ern e‑commerce logis­tics. The mobile, intel­li­gent pick­ing robots will be used in the Zalando logis­tics cen­ters in Lahr, Erfurt and Verona (Italy). They sup­port the pick­ing of shoes ordered online and their pro­vi­sion for sort­ing and packaging.

Mag­a­zino last received a sig­nif­i­cant order from Zalando for the Lahr site in the fall of 2021. The suc­cess­ful suit­abil­ity test will now be fol­lowed by the roll­out of an addi­tional 29 robots at Zalando’s logis­tics cen­ters in Erfurt and Verona (Italy). All robots will be deliv­ered by the end of Sep­tem­ber 2022, with final inte­gra­tion sched­uled for the first quar­ter of 2023.

Mar­cus Daute, Direc­tor of Logis­tics Prod­uct & Strat­egy at Zalando SE, says: “Mag­a­zino has already proven that its mobile pick­ing robots greatly sup­port our logis­tics processes in Lahr. They are in use six days a week in 3‑shift oper­a­tion and thus cover the base load in shoe box pick­ing. The cur­rent expan­sion of the robot fleet not only relieves our col­leagues but also ensures that we can con­tinue to offer our cus­tomers the best pos­si­ble ser­vice in the future.”

Fred­erik Brant­ner, CEO and founder of Mag­a­zino, says: “In less than a year, Zalando has now decided to expand fur­ther after Lahr. For Mag­a­zino, this step marks the largest sin­gle order in our still quite young com­pany his­tory. We are proud of this and look for­ward to sup­port­ing Zalando’s fur­ther devel­op­ment with our advanced robot­ics solu­tions in close cooperation.”

Zalando launched an ini­tial project with two TORU robots from Mag­a­zino in 2018. With the expan­sion to a total of 57 autonomous “col­leagues” now, the largest fleet of TORU robots so far will soon be in oper­a­tion in the logis­tics of the online plat­form. Zalando ben­e­fits from accel­er­ated through­put times, a con­stant 24/7 flow of goods and error min­i­miza­tion, even amid a heavy order load. More­over, the fash­ion and lifestyle spe­cial­ist, whose DNA includes logis­tics, is highly flex­i­ble. This is because the robots can be redis­trib­uted between the sites in the future as needed.



About Magazino

Mag­a­zino GmbH devel­ops and builds intel­li­gent, mobile robots that per­ceive their envi­ron­ment and make their own deci­sions. These autonomous robots work along­side peo­ple and make processes in e‑commerce, fash­ion and pro­duc­tion logis­tics more flex­i­ble and effi­cient than ever before. With over 120 employ­ees in Munich, Mag­a­zino is the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe. Magazino’s investors include Junghein­rich AG, Kör­ber AG, Zalando SE and Fiege Logistik.

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