
Mag­a­zino extends robot fleet at Zalando

Press releases

26. October 2021


TORU arbeitet parallel zu den MItarbeitern im Logistikzentrum.

  • 20 more TORU robots from Mag­a­zino will be deployed at Zalan­do’s logis­tics cen­ter in Lahr
  • Part of the fleet is already actively sup­port­ing Zalan­do’s logis­tics cen­ter for Cyber Week 2021
  • The mobile robot TORU picks shoe boxes fully autonomously and sup­ports employees

Munich, Octo­ber 26th, 2021 — Mag­a­zino extends the robot fleet at Europe’s lead­ing fash­ion plat­form Zalando. For the young robot­ics com­pany, it is the largest deliv­ery in the com­pa­ny’s his­tory. The exist­ing fleet of eight robots at the Zalando logis­tics site in Lahr (Ger­many) will be expanded by 20 addi­tional robots. Some of the addi­tional robots will already sup­port the pick­ing of shoes ordered online dur­ing Cyber Week 2021.

The first ten addi­tional robots were deliv­ered by Mag­a­zino in Sep­tem­ber. These will sup­port Zalando employ­ees and the exist­ing robot fleet in the upcom­ing Cyber Week at the end of Novem­ber. The remain­ing robots will be deliv­ered to Lahr by the end of the year and put into oper­a­tion next year. The work­ing area of the robots in the Zalando logis­tics cen­ter will also increase from 4,000 to 16,000 square meters.

Carl-Friedrich zu Knyphausen, Direc­tor Logis­tics Devel­op­ment at Zalando, says: “We see the mobile pick­ing robots from Mag­a­zino as an impor­tant sup­port for our logis­tics processes. Often, automa­tion tech­nolo­gies are dif­fi­cult to imple­ment in con­fined areas such as a pick­ing ware­house. But the TORU robots have proven that they can relieve our col­leagues of non-ergonomic tasks. They actively and reli­ably coop­er­ate — and not only in daily busi­ness, but also at peak times like Cyber Week.”

Fred­erik Brant­ner, CEO and founder of Mag­a­zino, says: “The scal­ing of the robot fleet clearly shows the added value of TORU. Zalan­do’s deci­sion to roll out our tech­nol­ogy on a large scale is proof that mobile robots like TORU have long since left the test­ing and pro­to­type phase behind and are now an inte­gral part of mod­ern, high-per­for­mance intralogistics.”

Zalando launched an ini­tial project with two TORU robots from Mag­a­zino at its logis­tics site in Erfurt back in 2018. This was later fol­lowed by the relo­ca­tion of the robots to the Lahr site and the expan­sion of the fleet to a total of eight robots in 2019. When all addi­tional robots are in live oper­a­tion around April 2022, Zalando will be oper­at­ing the largest fleet of TORU robots.

END | 2.381 Char­ac­ters (includ­ing spaces)


About Zalando

Zalando is Europe’s lead­ing online plat­form for fash­ion and lifestyle. Founded in Berlin in 2008, we bring head-to-toe fash­ion to around 45 mil­lion active cus­tomers in 23 mar­kets, offer­ing cloth­ing, footwear, acces­sories, and beauty. The assort­ment of inter­na­tional brands ranges from world famous names to local labels. Our plat­form is a one-stop fash­ion des­ti­na­tion for inspi­ra­tion, inno­va­tion, and inter­ac­tion. As Europe’s most fash­ion­able tech com­pany, we work hard to find dig­i­tal solu­tions for every aspect of the fash­ion jour­ney: for our cus­tomers, part­ners and every valu­able player in the Zalando story. Our vision is to be the Start­ing Point for Fash­ion and a sus­tain­able plat­form with a net-pos­i­tive impact for peo­ple and the planet.


If you would like to learn more about how mobile pick­ing robots sup­port footwear ware­houses dur­ing peak sea­son, join us on our live webi­nar on Octo­ber 27! Agenda & reg­is­tra­tion: click here.

About Magazino

Mag­a­zino GmbH devel­ops and builds intel­li­gent, mobile robots that per­ceive their envi­ron­ment and make their own deci­sions. These autonomous robots work along­side peo­ple and make processes in e‑commerce, fash­ion and pro­duc­tion logis­tics more flex­i­ble and effi­cient than ever before. With over 110 employ­ees in Munich, Mag­a­zino is the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe. Magazino’s investors include Junghein­rich AG, Kör­ber AG, Zalando SE and Fiege Logistik.

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