Smart Logistics with SOTO

A mobile robot that fuels indus­trial pro­duc­tion: SOTO takes over intel­li­gent line feed­ing, for exam­ple in auto­mo­tive manufacturing. 
Production logistics

Until now, pro­duc­tion logis­tics have been car­ried out almost exclu­sively man­u­ally. Dri­ver­less trans­port sys­tems have dri­ven automa­tion for­ward. SOTO goes one step fur­ther and brings mate­ri­als directly to the assem­bly line, just-in-time and at dif­fer­ent heights directly to the tar­get com­part­ment — com­pletely autonomously. The ini­tial setup is user-friendly and can be set up largely independently.


SOTO works up to 20 hours per day and enables processes that are not only more effi­cient but also sig­nif­i­cantly more cost-effec­tive. Its oper­a­tion is delib­er­ately sim­ple and enables par­al­lel oper­a­tion with humans. The hard­ware is extremely robust and designed for max­i­mum reli­a­bil­ity. You can rely on that. 


Mate­r­ial flow automa­tion with SOTO not only adapts to the envi­ron­ment, but also to increas­ing demand. New robots can be inte­grated directly, so your fleet grows with your success.

Until now, pro­duc­tion logis­tics have been car­ried out almost exclu­sively man­u­ally. Dri­ver­less trans­port sys­tems have dri­ven automa­tion for­ward. SOTO goes one step fur­ther and brings mate­ri­als directly to the assem­bly line, just-in-time and at dif­fer­ent heights directly to the tar­get com­part­ment — com­pletely autonomously. The ini­tial setup is user-friendly and can be set up largely independently.

SOTO works up to 20 hours per day and enables processes that are not only more effi­cient but also sig­nif­i­cantly more cost-effec­tive. Its oper­a­tion is delib­er­ately sim­ple and enables par­al­lel oper­a­tion with humans. The hard­ware is extremely robust and designed for max­i­mum reli­a­bil­ity. You can rely on that. 

Mate­r­ial flow automa­tion with SOTO not only adapts to the envi­ron­ment, but also to increas­ing demand. New robots can be inte­grated directly, so your fleet grows with your success.

The Mag­a­zino Fleet Man­ager offers full trans­parency in the oper­a­tion of the robot fleet and the process per­for­mance at a glance. Adap­ta­tion to chang­ing environ­ments is pos­si­ble at any time.

The SOTO fleet closes the gap between auto­mated ware­houses and an auto­mated pro­duc­tion line. With its high intel­li­gence, SOTO is able to per­form com­plex trans­port tasks inde­pen­dently, react­ing to changes in the envi­ron­ment and chang­ing demand. It can com­pletely replace route trains or also coop­er­ate with them in a mean­ing­ful way.

Image for Step
Image for Step
Image for Step
SOTO picks up boxes directly from the con­veyor of the AS/RS. The trans­port order for this comes from the ERP sys­tem. Empty boxes can be returned the same way.
SOTO takes over the trans­port from ware­house to buffer and all the way to the pro­duc­tion line. Super­mar­kets are com­mon in indus­trial mate­r­ial sup­ply process.
Pro­duc­tion Line3
SOTO deliv­ers boxes directly into the flow racks at the pro­duc­tion line. The right mate­r­ial, at the right time, in the right place. Fully auto­matic and continuous.


Ini­tially, the robot learns its new environ­ment for the first time by means of sen­sors and cre­ates a map for future ori­en­ta­tion. This hap­pens play­fully, with a con­troller, like gaming.

3D Envi­ron­ment Editor

The trans­fer sta­tions for the KLTs are recorded three-dimen­sion­ally and dis­played in the Fleet Man­ager in a user-friendly way. Envi­ron­ment-spe­cific traf­fic rules are also cre­ated in the process. All envi­ron­ment para­me­ters can be adjusted by the cus­tomer at any time.

Oper­a­tion & Controlling

Keep track of robot oper­a­tions at all times, with com­plete data trans­parency and a clear overview of mate­r­ial flows. See all rel­e­vant KPIs of your process directly at a glance.

Order Man­age­ment

Order man­age­ment ensures opti­mal struc­tur­ing of trans­port orders to guar­an­tee a fast process. Cur­rent orders are dis­trib­uted through­out the fleet and can always be read in the Fleet Manager.

Multi-robot coor­di­na­tion

Thanks to the intel­li­gent coor­di­na­tion of the Mag­a­zino Fleet Man­ager, SOTO robots work well together as a team. In the process, the Fleet Man­ager en­sures opti­mal uti­liza­tion of the in­di­vi­dual robots and that they do not get in each other’s way.

VDA5050 Native

SOTO speaks VDA5050. This makes it the ideal sup­ply robot for hetero­geneous fleets in com­plex pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ments. The sim­ple inte­gra­tion into VDA5050 con­trol sys­tems enables com­mu­ni­ca­tion with other logis­tics vehicles.

Flow rack

SOTO trans­fers or removes KLTs pre­cisely to the stor­age loca­tion for pro­duc­tion supply.

Con­veyor belt

SOTO trans­fers or removes KLTs from a sta­tion­ary con­veyor system.

Tug­ger train

SOTO trans­fers or removes KLTs pre­cisely posi­tioned on a tug­ger train.