Smart Logistics with TORU

A mobile robot that inter­acts with its envi­ron­ment: TORU can inde­pen­dently store and retrieve small car­tons in shelv­ing racks.
Shoe logistics

TORU inte­grates eas­ily and with­out major adjust­ments into an exist­ing ware­house and processes. Once con­fig­ured, it works autonomously along­side its human col­leagues. The con­nec­tion to a ware­house man­age­ment sys­tem is uncom­pli­cated via WLAN.


Shoe boxes are its spe­cial­ity: the intel­li­gent pick­ing robot TORU picks up indi­vid­ual boxes and takes them directly to the trans­fer sta­tion. And for put­aways or returns? Back again. Up to 20 hours per day. This allows it to be active out­side reg­u­lar shift times and, for exam­ple, to smooth out peaks through prepara­tory work. 


Order pick­ing with TORU not only adapts to the envi­ron­ment, but also to increas­ing demand. New robots can be inte­grated directly, so your fleet grows with your success.

TORU inte­grates eas­ily and with­out major adjust­ments into an exist­ing ware­house and processes. Once con­fig­ured, it works autonomously along­side its human col­leagues. The con­nec­tion to a ware­house man­age­ment sys­tem is uncom­pli­cated via WLAN.

Shoe boxes are its spe­cial­ity: the intel­li­gent pick­ing robot TORU picks up indi­vid­ual boxes and takes them directly to the trans­fer sta­tion. And for put­aways or returns? Back again. Up to 20 hours per day. This allows it to be active out­side reg­u­lar shift times and, for exam­ple, to smooth out peaks through prepara­tory work. 

Order pick­ing with TORU not only adapts to the envi­ron­ment, but also to increas­ing demand. New robots can be inte­grated directly, so your fleet grows with your success.

With ARC (Advanced Robot Con­trol), users always have an overview of the entire fleet, the indi­vid­ual robot as well as the order man­age­ment and rel­e­vant KPIs.

The TORU mobile robot is ideal for sort­ing orders into ded­i­cated com­part­ments as well as pick­ing up boxes for the put­away process. It picks up indi­vid­ual boxes and trans­ports them to a trans­fer point. Here, TORU can con­sol­i­date dif­fer­ent items accord­ing to order so that the pack­ag­ing process can be trig­gered directly.

Image for Step
Image for Step
Image for Step
Image for Step
Con­veyor belt1
Pick-up and put-down of objects on a con­veyor belt. Direct con­nec­tion to a pack­ing machine or sorter pos­si­ble. Full automa­tion in multi-shift oper­a­tion with­out man­ual intervention.
Flow rack2
Put-down of objects on a flow rack for inter­me­di­ate buffer­ing. This enables the exten­sion of the TORU-oper­a­tion and a decou­pling of the sub­se­quent processes. Suit­able for split­ting into dif­fer­ent (sub­se­quent) processes and order lines (e.g. tote process; singles/multis)
Pick-up or put-down of objects at a pick-cart. Con­sol­i­da­tion of cus­tomer orders already pos­si­ble directly in the pick-cart, even with­out sub­se­quent sort­ing. Full flex­i­bil­ity with the pick-cart as a mobile han­dover station.
Pick-up or put-down of objects at a put­wall. Con­sol­i­da­tion of cus­tomer orders via a pick-by-light sys­tem. The put­wall is mod­u­larly expandable.

Con­trol of the robot fleet

ARC is the con­trol cen­ter of the TORU fleet and is con­nected to the inven­tory man­age­ment sys­tem. On a day-to-day basis, ARC not only offers full trans­parency of all robots, order manage­ment and KPIs, but also pro­vides instruc­tions on how to solve problems.

Visual Rep­re­sen­ta­tion

The visual map dis­play in your own ware­house makes con­trol­ling the fleet par­tic­u­larly intu­itive. It shows where the indi­vid­ual robots are on the move in the ware­house, which orders they are pro­cessing, which items they are cur­r­ent­ly trans­port­ing and which actions are com­ing up next.

Track­ing of KPIs

Rel­e­vant KPIs are recorded in real time and clearly dis­played. The data overview offers full trans­parency at all times. For exam­ple, fleet per­for­mance over a period of time, aver­age uti­liza­tion or the cur­rent sta­tus of the trans­fer stations.

Order Man­age­ment

Order man­age­ment ensures opti­mal struc­tur­ing of trans­port orders to guar­an­tee a fast process. Cur­rent orders are dis­trib­uted in the fleet and can be read at any time.

Human Process Coordination

ARC also coor­di­nates the processes between robots and humans. Employ­ees can see directly which pick­ing trol­ley is ready for pick-up.

Remote Oper­a­tions

The remote oper­a­tions team mon­i­tors robot activ­i­ties 24 hours a day, 6 days a week, and can proac­tively assist remotely if needed, increas­ing fleet availability.

Con­veyor belt

Picked car­tons can be placed directly on con­veyor sticks to be fed to a sorter, for exam­ple, or to the auto­matic pack­ing line. 

Flow rack

TORU places car­tons directly into flow racks and picks from them. The han­dling is suit­able for down­stream tote processes as well as sin­gle & multi orders.

Order pick­ing trolley

Shoe boxes can be picked up from or deliv­ered to pick­ing trol­leys. Ideal for sort­ing orders and other inbound & out­bound processes. 


Pick­ing via the put­wall syn­chro­nises pick-by-light com­part­ment dis­plays and thus offers max­i­mum flex­i­bil­ity in sort­ing orders and sub­se­quent processes.