
Start your career in Advanced Robotics

Stu­dents play an impor­tant role at Mag­a­zino because their ded­i­ca­tion and pas­sion for robot­ics make a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to the suc­cess of the company.

Stu­dents at Mag­a­zino in numbers


Students at Magazino


Average monthly duration of an internship


Nationalities of our students


Average number of days to get an interview or online test


How it is to work at Mag­a­zino — Our stu­dents’ perspective



With the ini­tia­tive “Stu­dents at Mag­a­zino” we would like to show tal­ented stu­dents what oppor­tu­ni­ties they have at Mag­a­zino to gain prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence dur­ing their stud­ies and why it is worth work­ing at Magazino.

From day one, you stu­dents play an impor­tant role in the suc­cess of the com­pany and are an inte­gral part of the var­i­ous teams. You receive the same onboard­ing as per­ma­nent employ­ees which under­lines that you are extremly sig­nif­i­cant for Mag­a­zino. You enjoy many free­doms and respon­si­bil­i­ties. As part of your work, you are involved in numer­ous projects and drive some or all of them to com­ple­tion on your own respon­si­bil­ity. In par­tic­u­lar, we see the diver­sity of you stu­dents as an added value for the organization.


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At Mag­a­zino, we are aware that stu­dents usu­ally choose the intern­ship they can find near where they live. That’s why Mag­a­zino offers a hous­ing grant of €300,- to all tal­ented stu­dents who move to Munich espe­cially for their internship.

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At Mag­a­zino, stu­dents not only sup­port their per­ma­nent col­leagues, but are also respon­si­ble for projects as a whole. Exam­ples include the devel­op­ment of the trans­port crate for the TORU robot and the grip­per pro­to­type for grip­ping cartons. 

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Stu­dents rep­re­sent only about 20% of the total work­force. This illus­trates that stu­dents are not used as a cost-effec­tive alter­na­tive to full-time employees. 

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Mag­a­zino was awarded many prizes, such as first place in “The Spark — the Ger­man Dig­i­tal Prize” 2018 and sec­ond place in the Ger­man Logis­tics Prize 2017, which con­firm the inno­v­a­tive strength of the Munich start-up.


You would like to join Mag­a­zino and are now won­der­ing what you need to bring with you to get a job at the Munich start-up with the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe?

You should be enthu­si­as­tic about robot­ics and will­ing to build up the com­pany together with the other employ­ees and stu­dents at Mag­a­zino. You enjoy fac­ing com­plex chal­lenges and are pas­sion­ate about set­ting the bench­mark in the auto­mated world of logistics.

Gen­er­ally, stu­dents start at Mag­a­zino as interns, work­ing stu­dents or they write their final the­sis with us. All areas of the com­pany are avail­able for selec­tion. At Mag­a­zino, we make sure that stu­dents expe­ri­ence the same appre­ci­a­tion as per­ma­nent employ­ees. This is why all stu­dents take part in the var­i­ous team events.


Magazino offers students both voluntary and compulsory internships. The internship usually lasts between 3 and 6 months.


Our working students work between 10 and 20 hours a week at Magazino. Since flexibility is a particularly valuable asset, working students can work less during the examination period and, accordingly, full-time during the lecture-free period.


Magazino offers students the opportunity to write their Bachelor's or Master's thesis. In most cases our students start as working students and / or interns and write their thesis afterwards.


Have you always wanted to have lunch with a founder or exec­u­tive of a suc­cess­ful startup? Every month one stu­dent can win a lunch together with one of our team lead­ers, head ofs or founders. Besides a per­sonal office tour, you will have the chance to ask all your ques­tions directly. Send us your appli­ca­tion at jobs@magazino.eu and tell us why you would like to par­tic­i­pate and when you have time. Ide­ally, you should sug­gest sev­eral dates. Please do not for­get to send us your CV as well.
We are look­ing for­ward to your registrations!

"At Magazino, students become full members of our development teams and from the beginning contribute to bringing mobile picking robots into reality. By learning hands-on how to solve real-world robotics problems, they expand their technical skills and, at the same time, experience what it's like to work independently in a dynamic start-up environment."

(Dr. Moritz Tenorth, CTO at Magazino, right in the picture)

Be brave. Learn from your mistakes. Do it better next time!
Take your own decisions. Bear responsibility!
Have fun. Be always respectful!
Keep the customers always in mind!
Love technology. Love robots. Be proud!

What’s great about work­ing at Magazino?


As a stu­dent you have full flex­i­bil­ity which is great and help­ful. Peo­ple are very friendly and the envi­ron­ment is relaxed. It is a good chance to apply the knowl­edge acquired at the uni­ver­sity and at the same time to learn new things.“

Martí Salcedo from Spain

Working Student Hardware


As a mem­ber of data analy­sis team, I enjoy analysing data from our robots and imple­ment­ing tools. The friendly atmos­phere in the office helps me to extend my knowl­edge in var­i­ous other areas and makes the coop­er­a­tion between teams easy.”

Daniel Homola from Slovakia

Working Student Software


Freshly cooked lunch — every day for free!

Flex­i­bil­ity in the num­ber of hours worked per week

Free cere­als and fruits — every­thing for a great breakfast!

Team events

Free cof­fee and soft drinks

Loft-style office

Recruiting Events

Social Life


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Become part of a great team!

We are look­ing for peo­ple who share our val­ues and pas­sion for robotics.