In our train­ing cours­es, log­ist­ics pro­fess­ion­als be­come ro­bot pro­fess­ion­als. Part­ners and cust­omers learn how to use our sys­tems - even in tricky situ­ations.



Learn the basics of our sys­tems. From robot func­tions to fleet con­trol via interface.


Intel­li­gent automa­tion needs the back­ing of your envi­ron­ment. Together with our part­ners, we ensure smooth integration.


Chal­lenges inevitably arise in every­day work. We offer train­ing around the admin­is­tra­tion of SOTO in the live envi­ron­ment, analy­sis, trou­bleshoot­ing and configuration.

Ser­vice & Support

Your main­te­nance staff will be trained directly on the robot on all aspects of main­te­nance and ensur­ing sys­tem availability.


In a multi-stage train­ing pro­gram, we make you experts in sell­ing, imple­ment­ing and main­tain­ing our prod­ucts. That’s as safe as our robots.