COVID-19 Update
Magazino is still there for you!
2. April 2020
Stay at home, but stay connected
The world is struggling with an unprecedented challenge. Much is currently in transition — but Magazino is still available for you. Especially now, when many trade fairs, conferences and events are cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is even more important to stay connected in the community.
Maybe like you, we at Magazino currently work mostly from home. That’s why we want to invite you to take a coffee break together — from home office to home office.
Schedule your home office coffee break!
Use the opportunity to have an uncomplicated and personal conversation with our experts and ask all the questions that may have been on the tip of your tongue for some time. Which price models are available? How does the integration actually work? How is the interface connected? And what performance do the robots provide?
Choose one of our experts and arrange a home office coffee break for those and many more exciting questions!
To select a 30 minute time slot, simply click on the corresponding picture: