Mag­a­zino at CONNECTA 2019 in Regensburg

Date and Time

all day

Event Location

OTH Regensburg - Seybothstraße 2, 93053 Regensburg


The CONNECTA career fair in Regens­burg is the largest com­pany con­tact fair in Bavaria and has estab­lished itself as a meet­ing place between busi­ness, social insti­tu­tions and stu­dents. More than 200 com­pa­nies look­ing for poten­tial junior staff present them­selves at the CONNECTA fair in Regens­burg to stu­dents, grad­u­ates and young pro­fes­sion­als from the fields of tech­nol­ogy, busi­ness, social, health, archi­tec­ture and design and present their cur­rent job offers. The CONNECTA fair is rounded off by an inter­est­ing sup­port­ing pro­gramme with spe­cial­ist lec­tures and com­pany pre­sen­ta­tions as well as an appli­ca­tion port­fo­lio check and on-site interviews.

Mag­a­zino will also have a stand at CONNECTA 2019 and looks for­ward to meet­ing you there.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about the fair (in German)


Mag­a­zino devel­ops and builds per­cep­tion-con­trolled, mobile robots. As the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe, we rev­o­lu­tion­ize the world of intral­o­gis­tics together with our customers.

Would you like to get to know us at the career fair CONNECTA?

contact us