ICT & Logistiek 2024

The three-day hotspot with inno­va­tions for future-proof logistics!

Date and Time

05.11.24 - 07.11.24

Event Location

Utrecht, Netherlands



ICT&Logistiek in Utrecht, the Nether­lands, is an inter­na­tional trade fair for IT logis­tics and sup­ply chain solu­tions. Around 10,000 vis­i­tors and around 315 exhibitors are expected at this year’s event. The focus will be on automa­tion and robot­ics, dig­i­tal­iza­tion, data-dri­ven logis­tics, cyber secu­rity, sus­tain­abil­ity and zero-emis­sion trans­port as well as col­lab­o­ra­tion in the sup­ply chain.

Together with the Bun­desmin­is­terium für Dig­i­tales und Verkehr (BMDV) we will be co-exhibit­ing at the YGL stand.

We are look­ing for­ward to your visit and invite you to sched­ule a meet­ing with us!

More about the ICT & Logistiek



Novem­ber 5th — 7th 2024


09 A080


Jaar­beur­splein 6
3521 AL Utrecht, Netherlands

ICT&Logistiek is in halls 8 and 9