
Mag­a­zino at Logi­MAT 2022

Pre­miere of the new SOTO robot!

Date and Time

31.05.22 - 02.06.22
all day

Event Location

Hall 5, stand D55, Messe Stuttgart



After a long period of time we are excited to meet you again at the Logi­MAT 2022 tradeshow! We will show the new ver­sion of the robot SOTO for the first time in public.

Visit our booth D55 in Hall 5 to expe­ri­ence the Mag­a­zino robots SOTO and TORU live in action.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • At the Logi­MAT 2022 trade fair, Mag­a­zino will show the new ver­sion of the mobile robot SOTO for the first time. The fully autonomous robot SOTO auto­mates the mate­r­ial sup­ply in the man­u­fac­tur­ing indus­try and brings small load car­ri­ers (KLT) from the ware­house to the assem­bly line — with­out any man­ual inter­me­di­ate steps. The robot is already being used in sev­eral pilot projects, includ­ing MAN, VEGA Grieshaber and ZF Friedrichshafen.


  • The mobile pick­ing robot TORU will also be pre­sented in its lat­est prod­uct ver­sion with a live demon­stra­tion at the Mag­a­zino booth at Logi­MAT 2022.


  • As part of the Mag­a­zino Robot­ics Forum, we will be host­ing sev­eral excit­ing pre­sen­ta­tions by part­ners and users over the course of the trade fair. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the speak­ers and lec­ture times will be pub­lished at a later stage.

Don’t miss the oppor­tu­nity to book an appoint­ment with our col­leagues on site in good time — we are look­ing for­ward to your mes­sage and your visit at the Logi­MAT 2022!