TW Sup­ply Chain Sum­mit 2024

The annual con­gress for logis­tics and sup­ply chain man­age­ment in the fash­ion industry.

Date and Time

18.09.24 - 18.11.24

Event Location

Hamburg, Germany


The TW Sup­ply Chain Sum­mit is enter­ing its 16th round in 2024 and will take place in Ham­burg. This estab­lished indus­try event offers play­ers in the fash­ion indus­try a com­pre­hen­sive overview of how they can opti­mize their logis­tics and their entire value chain.

Renowned speak­ers, sup­ply chain man­agers, and logis­tics man­agers from the inter­na­tional fash­ion indus­try will explain key indus­try trends and pro­vide exclu­sive insights into their strate­gies. In addi­tion to keynote speeches by experts, best-prac­tice exam­ples from lead­ing brand sup­pli­ers and inno­v­a­tive start-ups will offer par­tic­i­pants real added value.

This year we are excited to join the TW Sup­ply Chain Sum­mit as a pre­mium part­ner. Our Sales Direc­tor for Fash­ion Logis­tics, Julia Scholz will host a deep dive ses­sion on “Future-proof ware­house logis­tics: flex­i­bil­ity, scal­a­bil­ity and resilience.” So don’t miss out on the chance to con­nect, net­work and explore the future of logis­tics inno­va­tion with us!

Other top­ics include:

  • Pro­cure­ment under pres­sure! Con­sumer slump, insol­ven­cies and high prices — how is the sourc­ing busi­ness cop­ing with the pres­sure in prepress?
  • Smart intral­o­gis­tics: more resilience, more pre­dictabil­ity, more secu­rity thanks to AI, robot­ics and co.
  • Effi­cient trans­port man­age­ment: Increas­ing cost pres­sure — how to stay economical
  • Trans­par­ent sup­ply chain: how to achieve a sus­tain­able transformation
  • EU Green Deal: What’s com­ing from Brus­sels and how can entre­pre­neurs pre­pare for it today?

TW Sup­ply Chain Sum­mit 2024

If you have any ques­tions or want to require fur­ther infor­ma­tion, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us. We look for­ward to see­ing you and to an inspir­ing day!



Sep­tem­ber 18th 2024



Panorama deck of the Empo­rio Tower

20355 Ham­burg