Multi-robot Coordination Engineer (f/m/x)

Fest­an­stel­lung· Voll­zeit / Teil­zeit · München

17. Oktober 2019


Your tasks
  • Deve­lop, ana­lyze and improve multi-robot coor­di­na­tion algo­rithms at the inter­sec­tion of task-allo­ca­tion and navigation
  • Improve co-ope­ra­tion of seve­ral mobile robots in nar­row spaces, eli­mi­nate con­flicts rela­ted to shared resour­ces, and ensure dead­lock-free operation
  • Ana­lyze, in col­la­bo­ra­tion with our logi­stics team, how to improve the robot fleet per­for­mance by opti­mi­zing task allo­ca­tion and run­time coordination
  • Ensure fail-safe ope­ra­tion in case of com­mu­ni­ca­tion or hard­ware outages


  • PhD or Mas­ter degree in robo­tics, AI, or simi­lar qualification
  • 3+ years of aca­de­mic or indus­trial expe­ri­ence in the areas of multi agent path fin­ding, task allo­ca­tion, and multi-robot navigation
  • Excel­lent pro­gramming skills in C++ and Python
  • Nice to have: 
    • Know­ledge in data­ba­ses, nume­ri­cal opti­miza­tion, and heu­ristic- or sam­pling-based search methods
    • Expe­ri­ence with ROS or other dis­tri­bu­ted systems
    • Expe­ri­ence with net­work pro­to­cols for relia­ble com­mu­ni­ca­tion across lossy connections
  • Struc­tu­red and inde­pen­dent working style
  • Eng­lish requi­red, Ger­man nice to have

Maga­zino ist ein Tech-Startup und Robo­ter­her­stel­ler aus Mün­chen. Unser Team von Hard- und Soft­ware-Inge­nieu­ren ist füh­rend in der Robo­ter­pro­gram­mie­rung und ‑ent­wick­lung. Unsere Robo­ter arbei­ten par­al­lel zu Men­schen – auto­nom, sicher und auf einem Kom­ple­xi­täts­le­vel, das noch nie­mand vor uns erreicht hat. Mit über 100 Mit­ar­bei­tern sind wir das größte Advan­ced Robo­tics-Team Europas.