
Pass­port to the Future: Robot­ics in the Sup­ply Chain

Robot­ics Lead­ers join forces at Pro­MAT 2019 and launch joint pro­mo­tion campaign


3. April 2019


April 3rd, 2019, Munich Robot­ics lead­ers join forces at Pro­MAT 2019 and launch the joint pro­mo­tion cam­paign “Pass­port to the future: Robot­ics in the Sup­ply Chain”. Together with 6 River Sys­tems, Right Hand Robot­ics, IAM Robot­ics, PINC and Tomp­kin Robot­ics, the Ger­man startup com­pany Mag­a­zino cre­ated the Pass­port to the Future.

Vis­i­tors can get a free pass­port at all par­tic­i­pat­ing booths at the Pro­MAT show floor. At each booth, vis­i­tors get get their pass­port stamped. Once the pass­port con­tains all the stamps, they can enter a raf­fle and win prizes worth a total of USD 3.000. More than a game, this is a fun and excit­ing way for vis­i­tors to edu­cate them­selves on key trends and tech­nolo­gies avail­able to suc­ceed in the next decade. And, of course, win prizes at Pro­Mat this year.

Mag­a­zino was founded in 2014, Munich, Ger­many by Fred­erik Brant­ner, Lukas Zanger and Niko­las Engel­hard. Mag­a­zino devel­ops and builds intel­li­gent, mobile robots that per­ceive their envi­ron­ment and make their own deci­sions. These autonomous robots work along­side peo­ple and make processes in e‑commerce, fash­ion and pro­duc­tion logis­tics more flex­i­ble and effi­cient than ever before. With over 110 employ­ees in Munich, Mag­a­zino is the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe. Mag­a­zino raised EUR 20,1 Mio (USD 23 Mio) in a series B financ­ing round in Feb­ru­ary 2018. Magazino’s investors include the Körber Group, Zalando and Fiege Logistik.

To sched­ule a meet­ing at Pro­MAT, please click here.

Where to find all Pass­port to the future booths: 

Mag­a­zino — Booth #S2897
PINC — Booth #S4279
6 River Sys­tems — Booth #S3983
Right­Hand Robot­ics — Booth #S2397
Tomp­kins Robot­ics — Booth #S4250
IAM Robot­ics — Booth #S4679