Smart fashion and lifestyle logistics

Fully auto­mated order pick­ing of shoe boxes.

Higher, faster, fur­ther — the require­ments for com­pet­i­tive logis­tics in e‑commerce are chang­ing massively.

The level of cus­tomer expec­ta­tions has risen signi­ficantly in recent years. As have the require­ments for com­pa­nies. Against this back­ground, automa­tion and dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion play a deci­sive role.

Added to this is the grow­ing num­ber of sales chan­nels. In addi­tion to branches and their own online shops, these often include numer­ous online plat­forms and social media through which orders are placed directly. The increased order vol­ume requires invest­ments in intel­li­gent logis­tics processes that secure compe­titiveness and offer flex­i­bil­ity for the future.

Skills short­age

Demo­graphic change is exac­er­bat­ing the short­age of skilled work­ers. Pro­duc­tion processes that require a wide range of skills and qual­i­fi­ca­tions are par­tic­u­larly affected.

Small order sizes

The order struc­ture is becom­ing increas­ingly small-scale and requires more and more han­dling. Pre­vi­ous solu­tions are reach­ing their lim­its in terms of flex­i­bil­ity and staff planning. 

Fast turn­around times

Short deliv­ery times to end cus­tomers require high ware­house avail­abil­ity. Added to this are sea­sonal fluc­tu­a­tions, a major chal­lenge for sta­ble processes.

Automa­tion and digi­tali­zation are be­coming increas­ingly impor­tant at all lev­els of logis­tics processes.


The intel­li­gent, mobile pick­ing robot for shoe stores

Shoe Logistics

Intel­li­gent, mobile pick­ing robots offer clear ad­vant­ages. Even in hetero­geneous warehouses. 


Intelligent picking offers flexibility and reinforcement in one. As support in shift operations or as backup during the next wave of illness.

Inde­pen­dence thanks to end-to-end solution

Savings potential

Through the use of intelligent automation, picking costs can be reduced by 50% on average.

Cost sav­ing com­pared to man­ual processes

Stability & Availability

Enables orders to be processed quickly, reducing delivery time to the customer.

Avail­abil­ity of the system

Flexibility & Scalability

Our solutions can be easily and flexibly integrated into existing processes and work quickly and efficiently - for e-commerce fulfilment on a new level.


ROI Cal­cu­la­tor


Individual solutions for new logistics processes.


Equip­ment and infra­struc­ture are also con­sid­ered as part of the analy­sis of process and mate­r­ial flows. This is fol­lowed by an indi­ca­tion of eco­nomic efficiency.


Dur­ing the process deep dive, the process design and the lay­out of the IT inte­gra­tion of the TORU process are finalised before the busi­ness case is finalised.

Bud­get phase

Bud­get doc­u­ments (process and busi­ness case) are pre­pared for inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion. An ideal basis for the con­cept pre­sen­ta­tion to the deci­sion-mak­ers and the release for cooperation.


The instal­la­tion and IT inte­gra­tion of a TORU fleet takes place in the com­plete process at the loca­tion of the first project and can then be extended to other warehouses.