We started as pioneers in advanced robotics. Today, we are over 140 experts from 35 countries who help companies automate and optimize their intra­logistics.

Why Magazino?

Flexible Solutions

Skilled worker short­ages, order peaks, tech­no­log­i­cal change — our intral­o­gis­tics solu­tions make them inde­pen­dent. Even with multi-robot fleets and in exist­ing IT infrastructures. 

Simple Scalable

After the ini­tial setup, your fleet grows with its suc­cess. Processes and robots inte­grate seam­lessly and scale eas­ily — in any envi­ron­ment and in har­mony with people.

Intelligent Technology

ACROSAI-Tech­nol­ogy is unique in the mar­ket. Our AI-based oper­at­ing sys­tem for autonomous robots and AMRs is at the heart of our solutions. 

Strong Partner

Our part­ner net­work is a fix­ture within the Mag­a­zino ecosys­tem, pro­vid­ing valu­able exper­tise and quick solutions.

Safe Systems

Processes that run par­al­lel to humans need spe­cial pro­tec­tion — on-site in pro­duc­tion and in data security.