Magic Material Supply

Intel­li­gent line feed­ing in indus­trial pro­duc­tion with autonomous robots work­ing par­al­lel to humans.

57 TORUs at Zalando

Mag­a­zino expands the robot fleet to 57 TORUs in two fur­ther Zalando logis­tics centers.

New logistics.
New logic.

Advanced tech­nol­ogy has a clear focus for us:­ Opti­mized processes — par­al­lel to people.

Expe­ri­ence automa­tion and auton­omy in harmony.


Autonomous robot for KLTs

Production Logistics


Autonomous pick­ing robot for shoe boxes

Shoe Logistics

MAN auto­mates pro­duc­tion logis­tics with 12 Mag­a­zino SOTO robots

Mag­a­zino wins MAN’s Nurem­berg site as a fleet cus­tomer for the SOTO robot. more ›


Junghein­rich acquires all shares in robot­ics com­pany Mag­a­zino from the founders and pre­vi­ous co-shareholders

Ham­burg-based intral­o­gis­tics pio­neer Junghein­rich is fully tak­ing over Mag­a­zino, a Munich-based robot­ics spe­cial­ist. more ›


CLS iMa­tion expands its port­fo­lio of solu­tions with Mag­a­zino, rev­o­lu­tion­is­ing robot­ics for site logis­tics processes

Devel­op­ing a range tar­geted at con­stant inno­va­tion of logis­tics processes in an Indus­try 4.0 frame­work, CLS iMa­tion has fur­ther strength­ened its port­fo­lio of ser­vices with solu­tions from Mag­a­zino, a Ger­man com­pany spe­cialised in the devel­op­ment of smart robots that offer safe and autonomous oper­a­tional sup­port. more ›

Extra support.

Our part­ner net­work keeps logis­tics run­ning. All over Europe.