CLS iMa­tion expands its port­fo­lio of solu­tions with Mag­a­zino, rev­o­lu­tion­is­ing robot­ics for site logis­tics processes 

Press releases

18. April 2023


Devel­op­ing a range tar­geted at con­stant inno­va­tion of logis­tics processes in an Indus­try 4.0 frame­work, CLS iMa­tion has fur­ther strength­ened its port­fo­lio of ser­vices with solu­tions from Mag­a­zino, a Ger­man com­pany spe­cialised in the devel­op­ment of smart robots that offer safe and autonomous oper­a­tional support.

Flag­ship solu­tions include SOTO, the autonomous sup­ply-chain robot equipped with sen­sors, 3D cam­eras and the cut­ting-edge ACROS​.AI oper­at­ing sys­tem. This analy­ses its sur­round­ings, quickly respond­ing to the needs of the pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ment and learn­ing in the field to iden­tify the most effi­cient pro­ce­dures for com­plet­ing tasks.

SOTO inte­grates per­fectly into a 4.0 con­text thanks to its quick and flex­i­ble con­fig­u­ra­tion, which enables it to sup­port per­son­nel and other solu­tions within the exist­ing archi­tec­ture in daily oper­a­tions with com­plete safety.

This solu­tion can pick up, trans­fer and place mul­ti­ple totes at the same time within the pro­duc­tion chain. SOTO is entirely autonomous and uses nat­ural nav­i­ga­tion, enabling it to move with­out ded­i­cated under­ly­ing infra­struc­ture and to void obsta­cles for com­ple­tion of picking/placing in the var­i­ous pro­duc­tion stations.

The rotat­ing grip­per means SOTO can turn items 90° or 180° inside the robot. This means that full con­tain­ers can be placed on a shelf (e.g. on the long side) while empty ones can be picked up on the short side.

The solu­tion offers opti­mal han­dling of small load car­ri­ers in var­i­ous sizes weigh­ing up to 20 kg. It can simul­ta­ne­ously man­age mul­ti­ple move­ments, thanks to a smart grip­per sys­tem that is able to move con­tain­ers with dif­fer­ent posi­tions and heights.

Key ben­e­fits of Mag­a­zino for effi­cient han­dling of boxes and small containers

Safety first: Laser scan­ners enable SOTO to nav­i­gate freely at up to 2 m/s, guar­an­tee­ing com­pletely safe oper­a­tion along­side peo­ple and other vehi­cles. Once an obsta­cle is detected nearby, SOTO reduces its speed until it stops or iden­ti­fies an alter­na­tive route.

Quick return on invest­ment: SOTO sim­pli­fies inven­tory-man­age­ment pro­ce­dures and opti­mises restock­ing of goods, oper­at­ing for 20 hours per day, and guar­an­tee­ing effi­cient processes that cost sig­nif­i­cantly less and a con­stant sup­ply of mate­ri­als to the assem­bly line.

Effi­ciency guar­an­teed: this solu­tion can han­dle up to 24 con­tain­ers simul­ta­ne­ously by util­is­ing avail­able space as effi­ciently as possible.

Flu­id­ity of move­ment and manoeu­vra­bil­ity in any set­ting: even inside par­tic­u­larly tight ware­houses, SOTO guar­an­tees flu­id­ity of move­ment and agile manoeu­vring in any direction.

CLS iMa­tion has always been com­mit­ted to care­ful analy­sis of mar­ket demands, antic­i­pat­ing needs and eval­u­at­ing new fron­tiers for process opti­mi­sa­tion. Our Automa­tion Spe­cial­ists pro­vide cus­tomers with a con­sult­ing ser­vice that sat­is­fies any need to guar­an­tee a com­plete ecosys­tem for the dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion of intral­o­gis­tics flows. This part­ner­ship with Mag­a­zino has arisen with the spe­cific intent to fur­ther expand the range of CLS iMa­tion solu­tions for all indus­trial require­ments. Our con­sult­ing and the spe­cific fea­tures of SOTO make smart fac­to­ries a tan­gi­ble goal for any facil­ity, and the inte­gra­tion poten­tial we can offer opens up pre­vi­ously unex­plored pos­si­bil­i­ties for the opti­mi­sa­tion of logis­tics flows” com­mented Rino Mel­one, Mar­ket­ing & Prod­uct Man­ager at CLS iMation.

Work­ing with CLS Ima­tion extends Magazino’s mar­ket reach into such impor­tant ter­ri­to­ries like Italy, France and the Be Ne Lux coun­tries, which are all Euro­pean indus­trial pow­er­houses” adds Andreas Marx, Senior Part­ner Man­ager at Mag­a­zino, “We believe that with CLS Imation’s unmatched tech­ni­cal capa­bil­i­ties and Magazino’s unique robot know–how there will be a lot of mar­ket oppor­tu­ni­ties. Com­pa­nies in the men­tioned coun­tries can rely on a solid and tech­ni­cal top-notch partnership”.

CLS iMa­tion is the CLS busi­ness unit ded­i­cated to Intel­li­gent Solu­tions for Logis­tics Automa­tion. With a pool of spe­cialised engi­neers and con­sul­tants, CLS iMa­tion is the unit ded­i­cated to inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for the automa­tion and dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion of logis­tic and fac­tory-plant processes. Through ongo­ing invest­ments in the devel­op­ment and design of new cut­ting-edge solu­tions and ser­vices, CLS iMa­tion responds to the spe­cific needs of Indus­try 4.0 for tack­ling chal­lenges in both tra­di­tional and emerg­ing logis­tics sce­nar­ios, with a dynamic and for­ward-look­ing vision. Part of CLS S.p.A., a com­pany of the Ital­ian group with an inter­na­tional dimen­sion, Tesya, which boasts nearly 70 years of expe­ri­ence in pro­vid­ing solu­tions for any logis­tics sec­tor, the com­pany is based in Caru­gate (near Milan) and has over 360 employ­ees, 11 branches, 13 oper­at­ing cen­tres, 180 mobile offices and over 5000 rental means, rely­ing on a con­sol­i­dated part­ner­ship with a series of inno­v­a­tive partners.

About Magazino

Mag­a­zino GmbH devel­ops and builds intel­li­gent, mobile robots that per­ceive their envi­ron­ment and make their own deci­sions. These autonomous robots work along­side peo­ple and make processes in e‑commerce, fash­ion and pro­duc­tion logis­tics more flex­i­ble and effi­cient than ever before. With over 120 employ­ees in Munich, Mag­a­zino is the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe. Magazino’s investors include Junghein­rich AG, Kör­ber AG, Zalando SE and Fiege Logistik.

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