

9 steps to imple­ment a robot fleet in your warehouse

Date and Time

14:00 Uhr

Event Location



Using self-learn­ing and mobile high-tech robots to auto­mate an e‑commence ware­house: sounds like more imple­men­ta­tion effort than it actu­ally is. With this webi­nar we want to pro­vide a com­pact overview of how a project devel­ops from the ini­tial idea to the large-scale roll­out of an entire robot fleet. A typ­i­cal use case for the robot TORU, which is to be used in a dis­tri­b­u­tion ware­house for shoes, is considered.

The webi­nar will be held in Eng­lish and will be con­ducted by Ull­rich Kaiser (Head of Project Man­age­ment) and Florin Wahl (Pub­lic Relations). 

Par­tic­i­pa­tion is free, but lim­ited to 50 participants. 

We look for­ward to your attendance!

Mag­a­zino entwick­elt und baut wahrnehmungs­ges­teuerte, mobile Roboter. Als das größte Advanced Robot­ics-Team in Europa rev­o­lu­tion­ieren wir gemein­sam mit unseren Kun­den die Welt der Intralogistik.

You want to par­tic­i­pate in the webinar?
