Use Case Webi­nar: Zalando

Why and how did Zalando imple­ment the mobile pick­ing Robot TORU?

Date and Time

16.09.20 - 22.06.18
3:30pm (Ger­man time)

Event Location



We are proud to wel­come Carl-Friedrich zu Knyphausen (Direc­tor Logis­tics Devel­op­ment) from Zalando as our guest in this webi­nar series!

In this live episode we will talk about the use case of the mobile pick­ing robot TORU at the logis­tic cen­ter of Zalando in Lahr, Germany.

Zalando is Europe’s lead­ing online plat­form for fash­ion and lifestyle. The range includes almost 2,000 world-famous brands as well as var­i­ous local and self-designed labels. Zalando’s logis­tics net­work with five cen­tral logis­tics cen­tres enables effi­cient deliv­ery to all cus­tomers through­out Europe. Zalando is con­vinced that the triad of fash­ion, tech­nol­ogy and logis­tics offers its cus­tomers and brand part­ners added value. Since 2018 the fleet at Zalando has grown to eight TORU robots.

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Mag­a­zino devel­ops and builds per­cep­tion-con­trolled, mobile robots. As the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe, we rev­o­lu­tion­ize the world of intral­o­gis­tics together with our customers. 

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