Senior Product Manager (f/m/x) for Mobile Robots

We are look­ing for a full-time, per­ma­nent Senior Prod­uct Man­ager (f/m/x) for Mobile Robots in our Munich office.

25. August 2023


If you are a pas­sion­ate Prod­uct man­ager (f/m/x) and ready to help shape the future of robot­ics, then this could be your next step in your career. We are now look­ing for a Senior Prod­uct Man­ager (f/m/x) for Mobile Robots to join our team.


Your tasks
  • Based on your under­stand­ing of the mar­ket and the cus­tomer needs, you define the prod­uct fea­tures and require­ments for our mobile robot prod­ucts to achieve a strong prod­uct-mar­ket fit
  • You coor­di­nate the prod­uct spec­i­fi­ca­tion and prod­uct devel­op­ment phases and align the require­ments with stake­hold­ers such as the port­fo­lio man­age­ment, sales, after-sales, pro­duc­tion, and devel­op­ment teams
  • You own the fea­ture roadmap for this prod­uct, define mile­stones and spec­ify the fea­tures for each of them, and bring up these devel­op­ment top­ics for the reg­u­lar release planning
  • You cre­ate and mon­i­tor the prod­uct time­line and budget


Your Pro­file
  • You have suc­cess­fully com­pleted your engi­neer­ing degree or a sim­i­lar qualification
  • You have already gained 5+ years of prod­uct man­age­ment expe­ri­ence for indus­trial products
  • You con­vince with your excel­lent under­stand­ing of tech­ni­cal inter­re­la­tions, com­bined with a strong crit­i­cal and entre­pre­neur­ial thinking
  • You are able to com­mu­ni­cate results clearly and effec­tively to lead­ers and stakeholders
  • A struc­tured and inde­pen­dent way of work­ing com­pletes your profile
  • You will get an extra smile from us if you have expe­ri­ence in the robot­ics and/or logis­tics area
  • You are busi­ness flu­ent in both Eng­lish and German


Why you should join us
  • Cut­ting-edge tech­nol­ogy: As pio­neers in robot­ics we are able to nav­i­gate and manip­u­late with­out rails and guides and offer solu­tions to processes that no one could auto­mate ever before!
  • Team: We are an inter­na­tional team with more than 25 nation­al­i­ties. You’ll work in a team with excep­tion­ally smart, hum­ble, col­lab­o­ra­tive and hard­work­ing individuals.
  • Cul­ture: Come as you are! Join a vibrant, inven­tive, and diverse team that val­ues col­lab­o­ra­tion over hier­ar­chy. To inno­vate you need to fail from time to time — we always learn and improve.
  • Work­place: Our office is located near the S‑Bahn sta­tion “Hirschgarten”. We work in a loft-style office with great equip­ment, our own work­shop and test­ing area.
  • Full Board: You don’t feel like think­ing about what you want to have for lunch tomor­row, not to men­tion prepar­ing it? Luck­ily, our french cook treats us with a freshly cooked free lunch every­day! And as the cherry on top, there is a packed fridge with drinks, fresh fruits and of course coffee!
  • Flex­i­bil­ity: Flex­i­bil­ity is a top pri­or­ity for us. Our hybrid work­ing model for posi­tions where pres­ence is dis­pens­able helps to achieve a healthy work-life balance.
  • Ben­e­fits: We offer attrac­tive hol­i­day, health care, and com­pen­sa­tion pack­ages. Learn more about our cur­rent ben­e­fits here.

At Mag­a­zino fos­ter­ing inclu­siv­ity is our top pri­or­ity. We are ded­i­cated to cre­ate an inclu­sive envi­ron­ment for all can­di­dates and pro­vide equal oppor­tu­ni­ties to all qual­i­fied appli­cants regard­less of gen­der, eth­nic­ity, age, national ori­gin, sex­ual ori­en­ta­tion, cul­ture, or edu­ca­tion. If you need any rea­son­able adjust­ments to make the appli­ca­tion process acces­si­ble for you, we’ll do our best to accom­mo­date you. Feel free to approach us for that!

Mag­a­zino is a tech startup and robot­ics com­pany based in Munich, Ger­many. Our team of hard­ware and soft­ware engi­neers is a leader in robot pro­gram­ming and devel­op­ment. Our robots work along­side humans – autonomously, safely and at a level of com­plex­ity that no one before us has ever achieved. With over 100 employ­ees, we are the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe.