ITG – Pick performance in the shoe warehouse

Flex­i­bil­ity through intel­li­gent robots

ITG GmbH is a logis­tics ser­vice provider with 12 own branches and seven inter­na­tional logis­tics cen­tres. Since May 2017, the intel­li­gent pick­ing robot TORU has been in oper­a­tion at the logis­tics cen­tre in Schwaig, which ITG oper­ates for PUMA shoes.


Mag­a­zino devel­ops and builds per­cep­tion-con­trolled, mobile robots. As the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe, we rev­o­lu­tion­ize the world of intral­o­gis­tics together with our customers.


Automa­tion for the challenges
of tomorrow

From Mon­day peaks to same-day deliv­ery: ITG needs new ideas to meet the con­stantly grow­ing chal­lenges in intral­o­gis­tics that make it less depen­dent on work­ing time mod­els and com­pen­sate for the great short­age of skilled work­ers. ITG wants an agile solu­tion that can be flex­i­bly inte­grated into its exist­ing processes. No prob­lem for TORU pick­ing robot: it can be moved to other areas with lit­tle addi­tional effort, gets to know them on its own and, of course, proves to be safe in deal­ing with people.
TORU is able to take over stor­age and retrieval com­pletely inde­pen­dently with­out human con­trol – even in dynamic ware­house envi­ron­ments, at night or on week­ends. And thanks to arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence it learns some­thing new every day.

Robots in action


Autonomous pick­ing robot
for shoe boxes

Shoe Logistics