Performance & Quality Roboticist (f/m/x)

Fest­an­stel­lung · Voll­zeit · München

8. Oktober 2019


Your tasks
  • Ana­lyze, trou­ble­shoot and report com­plex and fasci­na­ting robo­tic pro­blems before they reach our customer’s facilities
  • Deve­lop and main­tain the test­ing suite and ensure we mini­mize bugs from soft­ware, hard­ware and pro­duc­tion through soft­ware unit tests, inte­gra­tion tests, func­tional hard­ware-in-the-loop tests and robot per­for­mance tests
  • Work clo­sely with our robo­ti­cists to design, imple­ment, exe­cute and main­tain QA pro­ce­du­res for all com­pon­ents in the system
  • Respon­si­ble for cali­bra­ting the robots and coor­di­nate qua­lity test­ing acti­vi­ties from the hard­ware perspective


  • Enthu­si­asm for robots that ope­rate in the real world
  • Bache­lor or Mas­ter in robo­tics, com­pu­ter sci­ence, mecha­tro­nics or similar
  • Pro­ven QA and robo­tics experience
  • Know­ledge of ROS (Robot Ope­ra­ting Sys­tem), Linux, C++ and Python
  • Basic under­stan­ding of mecha­nics, elec­tri­cal sys­tems, net­works, IT and basic Linux administration
  • Flu­ent Eng­lish required


What we offer
  • A future-ori­en­ted job in a quickly gro­wing startup
  • High per­so­nal respon­si­bi­lity & room to maneuver
  • An inno­va­tive team with flat hierarchies
  • 100 % startup atmo­sphere and regu­lar team events

Maga­zino ist ein Tech-Startup und Robo­ter­her­stel­ler aus Mün­chen. Unser Team von Hard- und Soft­ware-Inge­nieu­ren ist füh­rend in der Robo­ter­pro­gram­mie­rung und ‑ent­wick­lung. Unsere Robo­ter arbei­ten par­al­lel zu Men­schen – auto­nom, sicher und auf einem Kom­ple­xi­täts­le­vel, das noch nie­mand vor uns erreicht hat. Mit über 100 Mit­ar­bei­tern sind wir das größte Advan­ced Robo­tics-Team Europas.