Web­i­nar: ACROS​.Ai

How the brain of intel­li­gent robots works

Datum und Uhrzeit

13:30 Uhr




(Das Web­i­nar wird auf Eng­lisch gehalten)

ACROS​.AI stands for Advan­ced Coope­ra­tive Robot Ope­ra­ting Sys­tem, powered by A.I. It is a modu­lar soft­ware tool­kit for deve­lo­ping and ope­ra­ting advan­ced and coope­ra­tive robots in uncer­tain and dyna­mic envi­ron­ments. It pro­vi­des fle­xi­bly con­fi­gura­ble apps on indus­trial stan­dard that are tail­o­red to the spe­ci­fic needs of robot or AGV manu­fac­tu­r­ers in various industries.

Dr. Moritz Ten­orth, CTO at Maga­zino will intro­duce you in this 30 minu­tes web­i­nar into the ope­ra­ting sys­tem of the Maga­zino robots, the dif­fe­rent tools for robot deve­lo­pers and how you could use ACROS​.AI for your own AGV or robot project.

Link zum Web­i­nar: hier kli­cken


Maga­zino ent­wi­ckelt und baut wahr­neh­mungs­ge­steu­erte, mobile Robo­ter. Als das größte Advan­ced Robo­tics-Team in Europa revo­lu­tio­nie­ren wir gemein­sam mit unse­ren Kun­den die Welt der Intralogistik.

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