SOTO Web­i­nar Series – Part II: “How to imple­ment robots [fast]?”

Join our live webinar

Datum und Uhrzeit

10:00 am




The Indus­try 4.0 – buz­zword, pro­mise and chall­enge. An intel­li­gent mate­rial flow in pro­duc­tion sup­ply is a decisive step in this direc­tion, but you pro­ba­bly won­der: How can we imple­ment robots fast?

Join our upco­ming web­i­nar to dive deep into this important topic.

1. Maga­zino Intro 
2.  SOTO Intro 
3. Why user-fri­endly tools mat­ter for mobile robots? 
4.  Four simple steps for imple­men­ting SOTO
5. Q&A

There will be ple­nty of room for your ques­ti­ons at the end of the webinar.

Dura­tion: 40 minutes
Lan­guage: English

This epi­sode is part of the „SOTO Web­i­nar Series“, which pro­vi­des insights on all the important aspects regar­ding auto­ma­tion of Sup­ply Chain Pro­ces­ses in the Auto­mo­tive, Elec­tro­nics, Con­su­mer Goods and Pla­s­tics Industries.