Product Manager Robot Software (w/m/x)

Fest­an­stel­lung · Voll­zeit · München

13. März 2020


Your tasks
  • Define and prio­ri­tize soft­ware requi­re­ments for the auto­no­mous, value-adding ope­ra­tion of our robots
  • Create test­a­ble „robot sto­ries“ (user sto­ries) for soft­ware fea­tures, such as for navi­ga­tion, per­cep­tion-dri­ven gras­ping, route plan­ning and IT interfaces
  • Improve logi­stics pro­ces­ses by ana­ly­zing levers, as well as blo­ckers and solu­ti­ons approa­ches for robo­tic automation
  • Ana­lyse data of robot ope­ra­tion to iden­tify deve­lo­p­ment needs, using both intro­s­pec­tive and cus­to­mer data
  • Manage the road­map for all soft­ware fea­tures inclu­ding the plan­ning of releases
  • Sup­port the pro­duct stra­tegy and detailed defi­ni­tion of ACROS
Your pro­file
  • 3+ years expe­ri­ence as Pro­duct Mana­ger or Pro­duct Owner for (B2B) software
  • Bache­lor or mas­ter degree in Com­pu­ter Sci­ence, Engi­nee­ring, Busi­ness Infor­ma­tics, Indus­trial Engi­nee­ring or rela­ted fields
  • Expe­ri­ence with agile / SCRUM soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment methods
  • Expe­ri­ence with soft­ware in the field of auto­ma­tion, com­pu­ter vision or WMS / ERP / SAP sys­tems is a plus
  • Excel­lent under­stan­ding for tech­ni­cal inter­re­la­ti­ons, com­bi­ned with a strong cri­ti­cal and entre­pre­neu­rial thinking
  • Self-struc­tu­red and highly inde­pen­dent way of working
  • Flu­ent in Eng­lish, solid know­ledge of German
What we have to offer
  • A crea­tive, dyna­mic team with flat hierarchies
  • A future-ori­en­ted job in an inno­va­tive environment
  • Deli­cious, freshly coo­ked free lunch – everyday
  • 100% startup atmo­sphere and regu­lar team events

Maga­zino ist ein Tech-Startup und Robo­ter­her­stel­ler aus Mün­chen. Unser Team von Hard- und Soft­ware-Inge­nieu­ren ist füh­rend in der Robo­ter­pro­gram­mie­rung und ‑ent­wick­lung. Unsere Robo­ter arbei­ten par­al­lel zu Men­schen – auto­nom, sicher und auf einem Kom­ple­xi­täts­le­vel, das noch nie­mand vor uns erreicht hat. Mit über 100 Mit­ar­bei­tern sind wir das größte Advan­ced Robo­tics-Team Europas.