Robotics Software Engineer (C++) (w/m/x)

Fest­an­stel­lung · Voll­zeit · München

22. Februar 2023


Deine Auf­ga­ben
  • You work on our uni­fied hard­ware abs­trac­tion layer for seve­ral types of com­plex robots
  • You improve our dis­tri­bu­ted con­trol­ler archi­tec­ture for syn­chro­ni­zed move­ments of the robots
  • You build a highly auto­ma­ted test­ing frame­work for our Low-level software
  • You enhance the error hand­ling of hard­ware issues, inclu­ding auto­ma­tic recoveries
  • You build log­ging and ana­ly­sis tools for debug­ging issues with robots in the field


Dein Pro­fil
  • At least 2 years of expe­ri­ence in soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment, pre­fer­a­bly in the robo­tics industry
  • You con­vince with your strong C++ and your solid Python pro­gramming skills
  • You are inte­res­ted in test­ing com­plex soft­ware systems
  • Ide­ally, you also have expe­ri­ence with 
    • Con­trol loops and kinematics
    • ROS1/2
    • CANopen
    • Embedded C++ development
    • hard­ware-in-the-loop testing
  • You are flu­ent in English


Was wir bieten
  • A crea­tive, dyna­mic and inter­na­tio­nal team with flat hierarchies
  • A future-ori­en­ted job in an inno­va­tive environment
  • Deli­cious, freshly coo­ked free lunch — everyday
  • Free drinks, fresh fruits ever­y­day and a break­fast cere­als to start your day right
  • 100% startup atmo­sphere, a loft style office and regu­lar team events

Maga­zino ist ein Tech-Startup und Robo­ter­her­stel­ler aus Mün­chen. Unser Team von Hard- und Soft­ware-Inge­nieu­ren ist füh­rend in der Robo­ter­pro­gram­mie­rung und ‑ent­wick­lung. Unsere Robo­ter arbei­ten par­al­lel zu Men­schen – auto­nom, sicher und auf einem Kom­ple­xi­täts­le­vel, das noch nie­mand vor uns erreicht hat. Mit über 100 Mit­ar­bei­tern sind wir das größte Advan­ced Robo­tics-Team Europas.